Bond's Gadgets You Can Actually Buy - Part 1
For Part 2 : Bond's Gadgets You Can Actually Buy 1. Rebreather 00:30 Appearing in both Thunderball and Die Another Day, the rebreather is an important tool in Bond’s arsenal. Now South Korean designer Jeabyun Yeon has developed the Triton. The Triton has a mask like a fish’s gill that extracts oxygen from water so you can keep breathing while you’re submerged. No price yet but it’ll be worth every penny. 2. X ray glasses 00:54 They might not be able to see through women’s dresses a la The World Is Not Enough but car company BMW have created a pair of X ray glasses that allow you to see what’s going on outside your MINI Cooper thanks to built-in cameras and sensors. The glasses also feature Wi-fi, Bluetooth and GPS. They can help you find a car parking space that's just the right size and help you park in it! They're still in the development stage but hopefully we'll be able to buy some soon. 3. Minox Camera 01:28 This inconspicuous slim-line camera served Bond well in 1969’s On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. More fashion statement than spyware these days, you can grab a vintage Minox for about $50 (Rs 3,241) on eBay. 4. Polarized Sunglasses/Google Glass 01:46 Yes they don’t sound groundbreaking but in A View To A Kill (1985) these babies allowed our favorite spy to see through tinted windows. Back then that was no easy feat. These days Google Glass would be Bond’s best friend, with the hotly anticipated Google Glass 2 ($1,500 or Rs 97,237) expected to include holograms. 5. Hovercraft 02:13 Bond nearly wiped out an entire army base with his hovercraft in Die Another Day. If speed is your bag you won’t be disappointed with the aptly named Spycatcher Extreme. Clocking up speeds of 45mph, it travels effortlessly over land, water, sand, ice or snow and costs about $40,000 (Rs 25,93,000). 6. Bluetooth gloves 02:38 Forget pressing call on your phone, these Bluetooth gloves from hi-Call ($70 or Rs 4,538) allow you to talk on the phone by making a ‘call me’ gesture with your hands. The gloves conceal a microphone at the tip of the little finger and an earpiece in the thumb 7. Aston Martin 03:00 Luxury car firm Aston Martin has developed the BD10, the only car ever built just for Bond. It can go from zero to 60mph in 4.7 seconds and reach a top speed of 190mph! With only 10 made, you’ll need to be quick to nab one. 8. Spy pen 03:25 For the ultimate super sleuth you can’t do better than the camera pen. With a tiny, impossible-to-detect camera lens you can record video and take photos for two hours. Prices can start at $30 (Rs 1,945). You can see how the spy pen looks compared to a real pen. Can you tell the difference (the spy pen's the one on the left)? 9. Ring camera 03:50 While this ring camera, produced by Hyeonsik Studio & Jeon Yengwon, might not be as stylish or discrete as Bond’s sneaky signet ring in A View To A Kill it still does the job, so you can get snap happy on the unsuspecting. POA. 10. Digital translator pen 04:10 OK so Bond didn’t actually use this but he would have if someone at MI6 had thought of it. It might look like a regular pen but as you drag it over words it records them onto your computer and can translate them into a bunch of languages. Grab one for around $100 (Rs 6,482). 11. Laser Watch 04:37 Bond movies are never short of deadly lasers so we had to include this seriously impressive watch even though it’s currently not for sale. Created by Patrick Priebe, Laser Watch features an integrated 1,500 mill-watt blue laser that can be used for up to 10 minutes each time. 12. Eye-scanning smartphone 04:59 Forget having to type out a password. This new smartphone from Fujitsu uses infrared LED and a special camera to scan a person’s unique iris pattern, unlocking their phone. It will hopefully be on the market next year. Now that’s something 007 would be interested in.
via YouTube
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