Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Liked on YouTube: VEDAS 101 - scientific knowledge + truths!!

VEDAS 101 - scientific knowledge + truths!!
ૐ enlightening the masses of ignorant human minds... on the ancient wisdoms of mother fucking I N D I A !! =) ----- VEDA = knowledge. The word comes from the Sanskrit language and is derived from the verb root vid, 'to know'. Originally the Vedas were composed in Sanskrit. There are two types of Sanskrit, vaidika and laukika. The Vedic Sanskrit is called vaidika and it is more complicated both in its grammar and in the use of certain words which are only found in the Vedas. The worldly or more popular Sanskrit is called laukika. This is the language of the puranas and itihasas. The Vedas themselves do not say so much about their origin and purpose or, whatever little is said, is generally not taken very seriously by Western scholars who dismiss it as primitive belief and mythology. In modern Western scholarship it has apparently become a fashion to ignore the authoritative statements that the Vedas make about themselves, and to instead speculate who composed the Vedas, when, where and for what purpose. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad it is said, asya mahato bhutasya nihsvasitam etad yad rg-vedo yajur vedah sama-vedo 'tharvangirasah. "The four Vedas - namely the Rg-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, and Atharva-Veda - are all emanations from the breathing of the great Personality of Godhead." In the Bhagavata Purana it is said, vedo narayana saksat svayambhur iti susruma. "The Vedas are directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, and are self-born." The same reference also explains the purpose of the Vedas, veda-pranihito dharmo hy adharmas tad viparyayah. "That which is prescribed in the Vedas constitutes dharma, the religious principles, and the opposite of that is irreligion." ***** The "aryan invasion" is a myth invented by Western scholars in order to discredit the original Vedic civilization. These humans could simply not tolerate the idea that an advanced human culture could have originated in India... the term aryan, is NOT DESIGNATING A RACIAL TYPE!! but rather a cultural class. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami defines, "The word Aryan is applicable to persons who know the value of life and have a civilization based on spiritual realization." While it is a fact that people existed who immigrated from Central Asia to Central India, their is NO evidence that they were the ones who established the Vedic culture. The Vedic culture was already very ancient and advanced by the time these people arrived in Aryavarta, 'the abode of the noble and excellent ones'... Current archeological data do not support the existence of an Indo-Aryan or European invasion into South Asia at any time in the pre- or protohistoric periods. Instead, it is possible to document archeologically a series of cultural changes reflecting indigenous cultural development from prehistoric to historic periods. The early Vedic literature describes not a human invasion into the area, but a fundamental restructuring of indigenous society. The Indo-Aryan invasion as an academic concept in eighteenth and nineteenth century Europe reflected the cultural milieu of that period. Linguistic data were used to validate the concept that in turn was used to interpret archeological and anthropological data. *** Excellent. now GTFO lame neonazi/white supremist/"aryan" trash!! scientifically owned. debunked forever. let that sink in. drink that in. end your endless stupidity and lies...there was NO blonde hair blue eye white man parasites running around in ancient india. giving us the awesome vedic culture!? lmao!! o your kind/culture was still running around in the woods painted, barbaric, and primitive though. oh "iran aryans" can gtfo too. such attachment to a skin color? them delusional pathetic fools!! also i doubt the assclowns who still believe in AIT even have any vedic natures in ya? or follow the vedic gods and customs? chant hare krishna? do you dipshits?? lol. no yall eat meat/cows and indulge in anti-vedic ways!! yall just follow a debunked theory/skinhead neo nazi trash ideology. demonic festerin piles of shit. low caste ugly scums! age of kali humans drains me. Be Gone!! *** O Mother India the land of truths and beauty!! bless all those who are noble and true. for indias honor. to all indians...and all those who follow sanatan dharma. haribol. =) http://ift.tt/19gvyq7 http://ift.tt/2hqmIkO... http://ift.tt/2iaYGZP http://ift.tt/2hqk3rj http://ift.tt/2ib7hfb http://ift.tt/1caDeLA
via YouTube http://youtu.be/pYuH8ctkrwM

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